A synergistic blend of essential oils can be more effective for getting the results you desire than any single essential oil. The pure essential oils I recommend you use in a blend for sciatica relief, include: Cypress, Marjoram and German Chamomile. Learn why and the methods of application for best results!

GERMAN CHAMOMILE ( Matricaria recutita ) - A highly respected oil for over 3,000 years! The high Azulene content in German Chamomile gives it a gorgeous shade of deep blue. Its aroma is deep, mellow and sweet, somewhat reminiscent of fresh mown hay.

German Chamomile stimulates the production of red blood cells and is one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory agents in aromatherapy.

With powerful action as an Analgesic (pain reliever), Anti-inflammatory (controls, alleviates inflammation), Antispasmodic (calms nervous and muscular spasms) and Sedative (agent that exerts a soothing, tranquilizing, calming effect on the body) German Chamomile is a potent and effective pain reliever.

SWEET MARJORAM ( Origanum marjorana ) - Like the fresh herb Sweet Marjoram has a spicy, warm, soothing aroma and is relaxing, comforting and calming to the nervous system.

Sweet Marjoram promotes deep relaxation and release of long held mental and emotional patterns of tension and stress! A stimulating oil Marjoram's antispasmodic action makes it effective for treating sore, tense or cramped muscles.

Try this RELAXING COMPRESS: Excellent for topical application to ease sciatica pain.

Disperse 4 drops each of Marjoram, Cypress and German Chamomile oil in a teaspoon of cream or honey and add to a small stainless steel bowl of "HOT" water. Absorb the "HOT" water into a wash cloth, using protective gloves, wring out excess water and apply compress to area of discomfort, repeat when your cloth cools. You may cover the warm cloth with a plastic sheet or a towel to keep it "HOT" longer.

CAUTION: As Marjoram is powerful circulatory stimulant it should be avoided during pregnancy.

CYPRESS ( Cupressus sempervirens ) - Cypress oil is distilled from the leaves (needles) and cones of the column shaped, evergreen Cypress tree located in the Mediterranean region of Europe. Cypress has a distinctly clean, fresh, woody aroma that's light and clear with a hint of spice; reminiscent of pine and juniperberry.

A hemostat Cypress oil stimulates blood circulation and is restorative and calming to the nervous system; helpful for relieving nervous tension held deep within the body.Its powerful astringent properties make it an effective tonic for the circulatory and nervous systems.

Effective for relieving conditions associated with congestion of lymph or blood circulation such as rheumatism, arthritis and sinusitis.

A potent vasoconstrictor and antispasmodic Cypress oil is an excellent oil to use for sports injuries, strains and sprains, aches and pains. Add it to your massage oil lubricant to stimulate blood circulation and speed healing.

MASSAGE LUBRICANT: Add Cypress oil in a blend with Marjoram and German Chamomile pure essential oil for relieving sore muscles and to calm the mind and emotions. To one ounce of carrier oil add 10-15 drops of your pure essential oil blend. Allow oils to synergize for 2-3 hours as time permits!

PLEASE NOTE: There are many cheap, synthetic copies of aromatic oils, but these are not recommended for therapeutic use. For best results purchase the highest quality oils you can possibly find. Use certified organic essential oils, or oils that have been tested and are pesticide free.

Holistic MindBody Therapy, including pure essential oils, are gentle, noninvasive complementary forms of health care for balancing and synchronizing your body, mind and spirit and a natural, safe and effective way to enhance your health and well-being. Holistic health care may produce satisfying results where other methods have failed. Please consult with your physician regarding serious health concerns and do not attempt to self diagnose.

KG has developed massage training and holistic health programs for the spa industry, health clubs and clinics, schools, resorts, as well as for individual clients. She is a MindBody Therapist and Health Educator with advanced certification and training in Bowen Therapy, BodyTalk and Aromatherapy. She is the owner of Springhill Wellness Center and the Founder & Director of PurePlant Essentials aromatherapy products.

Click to learn about & order PurePlant Essentials http://www.kgstiles.com/healthsolutions/sciaticarelief.htm - SCIATICA RELIEF

Click to learn more about & order http://www.kgstiles.com/chamomilemoreinfo.htm - GERMAN CHAMOMILE PURE ESSENTIAL OIL

Click to see PurePlant Essentials Menu of aromatic oils and remedies, including Cypress & Marjoram to learn more & order http://www.kgstiles.com/pureplantessentials.html - PUREPLANT ESSENTIALS MENU

More Info? Contact: KG Stiles at Springhill Wellness Center, 2520 Springhill Drive Ashland, OR USA (541) 941-7315 Mahalo!

KG Stiles - EzineArticles Expert Author